Saturday, September 26, 2015

My Pocket Emergency Utility Kit

I don't carry a camera every day but recently I've been carrying a small emergency utility kit in my pockets aside from my usual wallet, iPhone and keys.

They consists of a mini pouch with a 8 inch braided USB cord for my iPhone and a small very thin nail clipper in it. A 2.5 inch pocket knife. With my key chain I included a Gerber Dime multi-tool, a small aluminum whistle in case I want to attract attention or need to call for help and a very small Streamlight Nano LED flashlight. I also carry a used mini Altoids tin, packed in it are a couple of a Band -Aid bandages, an alcohol prep pad, a small wing nut and washer for my crutches, a tiny hex key for the thumb grips of my Fuji X cameras, a rubber band, a small 8 gig USB thumb drive, a waterproof capsule with some aspirin and antihistamine pills. There are also a couple of sewing needles with thread inside cut straws taped on the inside lid of the tin and a couple of paper clips and safety pins. In my wallet I also carry a small Zebra telescopic pen and an old gift card wrapped with a couple of feet of gaffers tape. Now I'm ready like McGiver.